Ten days ago, I announced a Flash Mob on Facebook for Kazakhstani economists to publish top 10 articles of the last ten years. This call aims to make the Kazakhstani people conscious about the level of the common sense in the economics and economic sciences of the country. Also, the call symbolizes the 10th anniversary of the world crisis (2008).

Therefore, we shall learn the lesson from it.

I was expecting unaccountable number of publications and replies. However, my call was completely unheard by the Kazakhstani economists.

I called my economist colleagues to show to the society the value of the economical thoughts and management of the economy in the developed country. Moreover, we observe the raising number of specialists in the economics in Kazakhstan.

The majority of the “Bolashak” graduates (gifted students sponsored by government to study abroad) obtain diplomas in Management Business Administration, Finance and Economics. The Kazakhstani market produces a number of new economists also. The country is full of economists and scientists in economics. The Kazakh politicians have a PhD degree in economics. The academician and economists’ degrees are easily distributed to individuals within the country. So, what is the merit of all these economists for the country? What is the purpose of its mandate if they do not serve the Kazakhstani society?

Kazakhstan is a top leader of the number of economists per capita.

All countries in the world are exposed to the eventual crisis. However, the consequences and degree of the outcomes may manifest in a different way. In the most cases this explains by the level of common sense in the society where the economists assess the government actions holding by that inadequate and sometimes dangerous decisions. Over this place where there is no critical mind any paradoxes become possible. Otherwise, how can we explain the Venesuela’s tragedy: the country being a top leader of the oil reserves is a record-holder as the highest cost country in the world. The rate of increasing prices is more than 200% per month. The inflation rate of August 2018 achieved 223% which is an incredible phenomenon. It results in 200 005% of rate of inflation per year that becomes a world record.

There is absolutely an opposite picture in Norway, where the lowest level of inflation is observed and the oil fund has exceeded 1 trillion of US Dollar! Meanwhile the Norway discuss all the economic problems with its local economists. However, the Nobel prizes to most economists are particularly given in this country.

Practically in all other countries where there are no oil reserves, the rate of inflation does not exceed 2%. The Euro currency maintains its parity rate with US Dollar currency.

Meanwhile, the lessons of the last world crisis have showed that the economics of the whole world is exposed to the systemic risks that affects the fundamental values of the society and its level of life. In the same time, the society is running a risk of inadequate or dangerous decisions made by government with no responsibility to be taken on. Only in the well-developed countries, where the common sense is considered and where the economical literacy, progress and prosperity are inevitable.

In Kazakhstan there is a number of talented economists. Nevertheless, the indifference and urgencies remain without discussion and work on it. Afterwards, the officials are wondering about the rate of the pensions and people are wondering about its level of life.

The old French proverb call the people to find wise solutions in appropriate time than “licking the wounds after a fight”, “Mieux vaut penser le changement que changer des pansements”.

The Kazakhstani forecasts promise us to be a world leader in terms of progresses: Kazakhstan is known by its 2030 and 2050 economic plans. But the people are living right now and they are exposed to the day-to-day reality.

The future cannot be forecasted but can be created and constructed!

How can we plan or forecast anything in the future if we do not discuss the today’s issues? Moreover, if the negative trends are raising now then it will provoke new risks.

France, as any country, have a lot of internal problems. But this is a pluralism country, where there are variety of opinions and forecasts. This definitely helps the economics to heal. The government and Parliament discuss openly any issues. Every day the TV and press discuss the current country situation. The French economists are famous and notorious around the world, its articles are published daily in different languages. So, there is no any PhD or academician degree to be mentioned about. However, we mention the names of Thomas Piketty and the Nobel prize awarded, Jean Tirole.

The open discussion of the urgent issues in the country avoid any following crisis or hemorrhage.

Living in France I considered that my duty is not to stay indifferent to the issues of my country Kazakhstan and to discuss openly the situations considering the abroad experience. Starting from 2000 I published more than 200 articles and three monographies about the economic situation in Kazakhstan. I constantly shared my books about economics to the government of the country and to the Kazakhstan Ministry of Economy including the Chief of National Bank. But there was no reaction as feedback. “A frightening silence of lambs”.

Our ancestries are wise people. They express its opinion as «Қызым саған айтам, келінім сен тыңда» that means my daughter I talk to you and you, my daughter in law, please, listen to me”.

What can we do if the daughters and daughters in law stay deaf? They are distracted by the other questions of life.

What to do if the indifferency and “screw it all” attitude dominate our society?

These circumstances drove me to think about quitting the field of economical miracles of the country. For Ever. I will enjoy the successes of my colleagues in silence.

Last but not least, please, find below the list of top ten economic articles published by myself in order to reply to the Flash Mob call. It is interesting to know: how many people, living abroad, are interested in the problems of its mother country?



  1. Б. Иришев. Вслед за кризисом наступает деградация экономики: какие рецепты для выхода с наименьшими потерями? О трех антикризисных сценариях и 10 мерах по стабилизации ситуации. DK News №46 (143), 28 ноября 2008 г.

Berlin Irishev. Following financial crisis, the economics retrogradation come out: what to prescript to find a way out with less losses? About three anti-crisis scenarios and ten propositions to keep the situation under control.  DK News №46 (143), November 28, 2008.

  1. Иришев Б. «О генезисе глобального кризиса и некоторые посткризисные размышления». Журнал «Exclusive» октябрь 2009 г.

 Berlin Irishev. About genesis of the global financial crisis and post-crisis thinking. Journal “Exclusive” October edition 2009.

  1. Иришев Б. «E pluribus unum» журнал «Эксперт Казахстан» №40 (231) 19 октября 2009 г.

Berlin Irishev. E pluribus unum. Journal “Kazakhstan Experts” N40 (231) October 19th, 2009.

  1. Иришев Б. «Сплошное исключение. О кризисных тенденциях в банковской системе Казахстана». Журнал Forbes Kazakhstan N 3, ноябрь 2011 г.

Berlin Irishev. Absolute exceptions. About crisis trends in Kazakhstan bank systems. Journal “Forbes Kazakhstan” N3, November 2011.

  1. Иришев Б. «О параболе слепцов и деонтологии экономистов» 24 мая, 2012 г. Nomad.su

Berlin Irishev. About blind parabola and economist’s deontology. www.nomad.su, May 24th, 2012.

  1. Иришев Б. «Экономический кризис: фронтальная асимметрия» май 2013 г. DK news

 Berlin Irishev. Economic crisis: frontal asymmetry. DK News, May 2013.

  1. Иришев Б. «Об опасностях девальвации, когда ее недооценивают». Dk news 14 февраля 2014 г.

Berlin Irishev. About dangerous currency devaluation when it is underestimated. DK News, February 14th 2014.

  1. Иришев Б. «Как разорвать связь между суверенными и банковскими рисками? Должно ли государство спасать банки? » Москва, БИЗНЕС БАНКИ №03-04 февраль 2014 г.

Berlin Irishev. How to split off the link in between sovereign and bank risks? Should the government rescue the banks? Journal “Business Banks” N3, Moscow, February 4th, 2014.

  1. Иришев Б. «О кривизне монетарной политики Нацбанка» Forbes.kz 13 ноября 2015 г.

Berlin Irishev. About the curvature of monetary policy of the Kazakhstan National Bank. Forbes, November 13th, 2015.

  1. Иришев Б. «Об иллюзиях и реалиях в экономике» Exclusive 2015 г

Berlin Irishev. About economics’ illusions and realities. Exclusive, 2015.


  • ИРИШЕВ Б. ЕВРОСОЮЗ: ОПЫТ ИНТЕГРАЦИОННОЙ МОДЕЛИ. (Эволюция, ценности, проблемы). Алматы, Раритет, 2009 г., 567 стр.

Berlin Irishev. European Union: Experience of the integration model.

(Evolution, values, problems). Almaty, Raritet, 2009, 567 pages.

  • ИРИШЕВ Б. КРИЗИС ЕВРО И ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ РИСКИ. Москва, издательство «Весь мир», 2014 г., 464 стр.

Berlin Irishev. Euro crisis and global risks.

Moscow, “Ves’ mir” edition, 2014, 464 pages


Berlin Irishev,  

September 21st, 2018, Paris


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